Unlocking Snowflake Data Integration in Power Platform: Using Custom Connector with Snowflake REST API – Part 1

In today’s data-driven world, businesses rely on integration between their data sources and analysis platforms to derive insights and make informed decisions. One such powerful combination is leveraging Snowflake, a leading cloud-based data warehousing platform, alongside Microsoft Power Platform. In this blog series, we’ll delve into the options of integrating Snowflake data sources into Power Platform, exploring both custom and out-of-the-box connector options. In Part 1, our focus will be on setting up and configuring Snowflake, followed by creating a custom connector that leverages Snowflake’s SQL REST API. This connector facilitates the connection between Snowflake and the Power Platform services such Power Apps and Power Automate.


  • Snowflake account with Account Admin access: Snowflake offers a 30-day trial, granting full access to explore its capabilities. You can select either Azure/AWS/GCP
  • Entra ID access (Global Admin or Privileged Administrator Role) to create App registration and grant Admin consent: Ensure you have Entra ID access to enable the creation of App registrations and to grant Admin consent for necessary permissions.
  • Power Platform Administrator Role: To make adjustments to allow custom connector endpoints for Snowflake identifier URL, especially in cases where endpoints are blocked by the tenant scoped DLP policy.
  • Maker or System Administrator access in a Power Platform Environment: Access privileges should include Maker or System Administrator rights within your Power Platform environment to register custom connector.
  • Power Apps premium license: A Power Apps premium license is required to use a custom connectors in a Power Apps or a Cloud flow.

This blog post is divided into the following sections:

  • Creation of Entra ID Apps.
  • Setup Snowflake Environment.
  • Creation of a custom connector & DLP Policy Update.

Creation of Entra ID Apps:

There are two app registrations required to facilitate the API access through Microsoft Entra ID, where one would represent the Snowflake OAuth resource and the other would represent the OAuth client application which would be in this case the custom connector

Section 1 – Registering an Application in Microsoft Entra ID for Snowflake OAuth resource:

In the Entra ID portal, navigate to App registrations and click + New registration. Enter a name, such as Snowflake OAuth resource, and proceed by clicking the Register button, leaving all settings as default.

Under the Manage section in the side menu, select Expose an API. Set the Application ID URI with the default value and remember to copy this value for future use. This will be known as external_oauth_audience_list in the section Setup and configuration in Snowflake

Click on the Add a scope button to access the panel. The Snowflake Role Public is added as an OAuth scope for OAuth flows where the Snowflake OAuth client acts on behalf of a user from the custom connector. If there is a custom Snowflake role, it should be added as a scope instead of ‘Public’:

  1. Enter a new Scope name as session:scope:PUBLIC
  2. Set Admin consent display name to Account Admin
  3. Provide Admin consent description as “Can Administer the Snowflake account”
  4. Ensure the Enabled scope state is selected.

Complete the process by selecting the Add scope button to create the scope.

Section 2 – Registering an Application in Microsoft Entra ID for Snowflake OAuth client:

In the Entra ID portal, navigate to App registrations and click + New registration. Enter a name, such as Snowflake OAuth client, and proceed by clicking the Register button, leaving all settings as default.

Retrieve the Client ID, Tenant Id from the Overview section of the Entra ID app and generate a secret through the Certificates & secrets under the Manage blade. Once the secret is successfully created, copy its value for use in configuring the custom connector OAuth Authentication.

In the API permissions section under the Manage blade, click + Add a permission and search for Snowflake OAuth resource, the application created previously.

Select the Delegated permission session:scope:PUBLIC defined in the previous section as shown below, and grant Admin consent.

Everything is configured in Entra ID. Now, let’s move on to Snowflake to set up the necessary components for this integration to function.

Reference: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/oauth-azure

Setup Snowflake Environment:

Let’s head in to the Snowflake instance as an Account Admin. Here, you’ll create a

  • Create Database with sample data & grant roles
  • Set up security integration
  • Create a user in Snowflake synchronized with the Entra ID user

Log in to the Snowflake instance to copy the Identifier URL as shown below. This URL will be used in the custom connector to access the Snowflake REST API.

Snowflake Identifier URL: https://texxxx.eu-north-1.aws.snowflakecomputing.com

Create Database with sample data & grant role:

Create a SQL Worksheet as shown below and execute the following script to set up the Snowflake environment by creating a warehouse, database, and table named ‘rockers_table’. Sample data is inserted into the table, and permissions are granted to the ‘public’ role for accessing and updating the table:

-- Switch to the 'accountadmin' role
use role accountadmin;
-- Create the HOL_WH warehouse with size 'X-SMALL'
-- Create the HOL_DB database
-- Grant usage on the warehouse HOL_WH to the role 'public'
-- Grant usage on the database HOL_DB to the role 'public'
grant usage on database hol_db to role public;
-- Grant usage on the schema HOL_DB.PUBLIC to the role 'public'
grant usage on schema hol_db.public to role public;
use role accountadmin;
-- Switch to the HOL_DB database
use database HOL_DB;
use warehouse HOL_WH;
-- Create the 'rockers_table' table
CREATE TABLE rockers_table (
  id INT,
  name VARCHAR(50),
  age INT
-- Insert data into the 'rockers_table' table
INSERT INTO rockers_table (id, name, age)
VALUES (1, 'Jimi Hendrix', 27),
       (2, 'Janis Joplin', 27),
       (3, 'Elvis Presley', 42),
       (4, 'Freddie Mercury', 45),
       (5, 'Whitney Houston', 48),
       (6, 'Michael Jackson', 50),
       (10, 'John Lennon', 40);
-- Grant select and update permissions on the 'rockers_table' table to the role 'public'
grant select, update on table hol_db.public.rockers_table to role public;

Set up security integration:

Let’s proceed to create the Security integration, which is a Snowflake object that establishes an interface between Snowflake and Entra ID. This integration is a prerequisite for enabling Entra OAuth authentication in the custom connector. Execute the following script:

create security integration connector
       type = external_oauth
       enabled = true
       external_oauth_type = azure
       external_oauth_issuer = 'https://sts.windows.net/tenantId/'     
       external_oauth_jws_keys_url = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/tenantId /discovery/v2.0/keys'
       external_oauth_audience_list = ('applicationIDURI')
       external_oauth_token_user_mapping_claim = 'upn'
       external_oauth_snowflake_user_mapping_attribute = 'login_name'
       external_oauth_any_role_mode = 'ENABLE';

Replace the tenantid in ‘external_oauth_issuer’ and ‘external_oauth_jws_keys_url’, and the Application ID URI in ‘external_oauth_audience_list’. These values should be copied from sections 1 and 2 of the Entra ID app creation process written above.



Create a user in Snowflake synchronized with the Entra ID user:

We’ll create a user in Snowflake that mirrors the Entra ID user upn as created in the security integration. In the User & Roles section under Admin, click + User. The login name should be the UPN (User Principal Name) from Entra ID/AD. Once the required details are entered, proceed to click on Create User.

Creation of a custom connector & DLP Policy Update:

The custom connector serves as a wrapper around the Snowflake REST API, facilitating communication between Power Apps or Power Automate and the API. To create this connector, navigate to Custom connectors in the Power Apps/Power Automate maker portal, then click on + New custom connector and select Create from blank. Enter the connector name, and on the subsequent screen, enter the Snowflake Identifier URL in the Host field and some description about the connector.

Now click Security on the right bottom corner or from the Tab to enter the Entra ID application information copied from the App registration Snowflake OAuth Client for the OAuth 2.0 authentication type. Under the section OAuth 2.0

  1. Change the Identity provider to Azure Active Directory
  2. Enter the Client id & Client secret copied from the Section 2 of the Entra ID app registration Snowflake OAuth Client
  3. Enter the Resource URL as api://applicationIDURI copied from the Section 1 of the Entra ID app registration Snowflake OAuth Resource
  4. Enter the Scope as session:scope:PUBLIC based on the permissions you have added. Leave a space between each permission if there are multiple permissions

After the above information is filled in, click Create connector which will autogenerate the Redirect URL https://global.consent.azure-apim.net/redirect/cc-2dsnowflake-xxxxxx-5f92d3264404092da9. Now go to the Entra ID App registration Snowflake OAuth Client created in Section 2 of the Entra ID apps and add the above Redirect Web URI.

The connector is now prepared to add actions based on the Snowflake REST API endpoints. Snowflake’s REST API offers functionalities such as submitting SQL statements, checking execution statuses, cancelling executions, and fetching query results concurrently. This blog post will primarily concentrate on integrating with the API to submit SQL statements. For more guidelines, it’s recommended to look at the Snowflake REST API documentation for best practices.

Let’s proceed to add an action for submitting a SQL statement. Navigate to Definitions and select + New action. Once you’ve filled in the Summary, Description, and Operation ID (e.g., GETSFData), click on + Import from sample under the Request section, and input the following details:

Verb: POST

URL: https://snowflakeidentifierURL/api/v2/statements

Replace the Snowflake Identifier URL


Content-Type application/json

Accept application/json


"statement": "select name, age from rockers_table;",
"timeout": 60,
"database": "HOL_DB",
"schema": "PUBLIC",
"warehouse": "HOL_WH",
"role": "PUBLIC"

Click Import & Update connector then proceed to click the Test tab and create a New connection. In the event of encountering DLP error message indicating that connection creation has been blocked by Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy. Add the Snowflake Identifier URL as a connector pattern allowed in the Business/Non Business category of the DLP policy.

VOILA, everything is set up. You can now test the action to execute a SQL statement to retrieve data from the rockers_table as shown below:

The request body for updating an existing item is

"statement": "UPDATE rockers_table SET Name = 'Mohamed Ashiq' WHERE ID = '1';",
"timeout": 60,
"database": "HOL_DB",
"schema": "PUBLIC",
"warehouse": "HOL_WH",
"role": "PUBLIC"


In the next part of the blog series, we’ll explore how to manipulate the response from the connector action. This involves adding C# code in the custom connector to facilitate the display in Power Apps gallery control without using a Power Automate flow. Hope you have found this informational & thanks for reading. If you are visiting my blog for the first time, please do look at my other blogposts.

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Text-to-Speech and Audio Playback in Power Apps using Azure and Power Automate

Capabilities like text-to-speech (TTS) and audio playback can take your applications to new heights of user engagement and accessibility. In this blog post, we’ll look at integrating text-to-speech and audio playback functionalities into Power Apps using Power Automate and Azure Speech Services. Whether you’re looking to provide dynamic narration, streamline communication, or enhance accessibility, this post will walk you through the steps to integrate TTS capabilities into your Power Apps projects.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Maker role in Power Platform environment
  • Premium License – HTTP Connector
  • Azure Subscription Access
    • Azure Speech services – Text to speech

Creating Speech Services in Azure for Text to Speech:

Azure provides Speech Services that enable developers to integrate advanced speech capabilities into their applications, including Text to Speech (TTS). With Azure Speech Services, you can convert text into speech in various languages and voices.

Step 1: Create the resource Speech services in the Azure Portal

Step 2: Copy the Key from the Keys and Endpoint section within the Resource Management blade. This Key is used for authentication when making requests to the Speech service APIs, enabling text-to-speech conversion in the Power Automate flow through the HTTP connector.

Step 3: Go to the Speech Studio to choose a voice from the gallery provided in Text to Speech section. Alternatively, you can create a custom voice using your own audio recordings. The Speech Studio can also be accessed from the Overview section of the Speech service in the Azure portal.

Power Automate Flow to convert the text to speech:

The Power Automate serves as a tool in orchestrating the integration between Power Apps and Azure Speech Services, enabling communication between the components. Create an Instant Power Automate flow with the trigger “PowerApps (V2)” either from the Power Automate portal or directly from the Power Apps maker interface. Add a text input varTextInput as shown below to send the text from the Power Apps

The next step involves converting the text to speech/audio utilizing the Text to Speech REST API through the HTTP connector action. Add the HTTP action with request details as below

Method: POST

URI: Depending on the region where you’ve created the Azure Speech resource, select the corresponding Rest API endpoint from the list in the Microsoft documentation. For instance, if the Speech Service resource is created in West Europe, the URL will be:





<speak version='1.0' xml:lang='en-US'><voice xml:lang='en-US' xml:gender='Female'

In the request body, add the varTextInput included to the Power Apps trigger. I have added the voice en-US-JennyNeural, you can select it from the voice gallery as discussed above.

Next, add a Compose action to convert the audio generated from the HTTP action into base64 format. This will serve as the text output passed in the Respond to a PowerApp or flow action, as shown below:

Base64AudioContent compose action expression: base64(body(‘HTTP-TexttoSpeech’))

Save the flow.

Power Apps for Text Narration:

Let’s develop the app for the text narration feature, where users can input text to be converted into audio using the Power Automate flow created earlier. On the Canvas, add a Text Input control for entering the desired text, an Audio control to play the audio generated from the Azure text-to-speech service, and a button to trigger the Power Automate flow. Make sure the flow is added to the Power Apps. Add the following code to the OnSelect property of the button

// Reset the Audio1 control to its default state, clearing any previous audio.

// Run the TexttoSpeechFlow Power Automate flow, passing the text from TextInput1 as input.
// Store the result (converted audio) in the varconvertedAudio variable.
Set(varconvertedAudio, TexttoSpeechFlow.Run(TextInput1.Text));

// Set the playAudioContent variable to false, ensuring that any previous audio playback is stopped.
Set(playAudioContent, false);

// Set the playAudioContent variable to true, triggering playback of the newly converted audio.
Set(playAudioContent, true);

The variable playAudioContent will be used in Audio control Star property to play the audio automatically

The Media property of the Audio control should have the following formula, depending on the output variable added in the ‘Respond to PowerApps or flow’ action of the Power Automate flow


The x-wav is the format of the generated audio from the Text to Speech REST API in the Power Automate flow which can be validated from the output of the HTTP action HTTP-TexttoSpeech

You are now ready to test your app.


By combining the power of Power Automate and Azure Speech Services developers can quickly integrate text-to-speech and audio playback functionalities into their Power Apps. Hope you have found this informational & thanks for reading. If you are visiting my blog for the first time, please do look at my other blogposts.

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